I am stuffed. Really. I just ate a meal advocated by a diet plan, and I am fully satiated. This is sustainable.

This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own.
A couple eggs, potato, and lean sausage. Lay that over a bed of greens with some avocado on it, and that is a meal to fill up anyone. And maybe it doesn’t appeal to you. But for me, this is the type of eating I can do as a lifestyle, rather than a diet.
But did it work for me? I would say so. I’m as lean as I’ve ever been, and don’t feel like I am making lots of hard choices to stay that way. And being able to eat healthy fats has helped me a lot with that.
“In general, healthy fats can also help increase feelings of fullness and satisfaction because they regulate appetite through a number of mechanisms, including the release of appetite hormones. What’s more, combining fat with fiber has been shown to further increase the satiating potential of fat. The satiating power of fats is often one explanation offered to describe why some weight loss trials have shown that low-carbohydrate (and higher-fat) diets tend to lead to greater weight loss than low-fat diets.”
It isn’t about saying no to everything, or even anything. It’s finding a way to work with your body instead of against it. And feeling full goes a long way to avoiding overeating.
The most challenging times to curb hunger are just before bed and in the morning. By following the Always Eat After 7PM program, you have the most willpower to stay on the diet because you are eating during the hours when you are most hungry. This also puts you into both intermittent fasting increasing testosterone and your metabolism, while putting you into ketosis.
So you have a big dinner, don’t get the midnight munchies and, at least for me, don’t really start getting hungry until after 10am. Sure, some nights I am starving by the time dinner comes around. But my dinner gets to be huge! And i can have dessert. And a snack before bed.

Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase.
If you’re jumping in here, check out the first three posts for the whole story!
– eat after 7pm (no really, you should)
– one week into always eat after 7pm
– a diet with bread and skillet meals?